Items have been added to, or deleted from this bundle but the total price has not been changed.
One or more of the component prices for this bundle have changed in their price list(s).
You may wish to update the bundle's retail price to reflect the change(s).
One or more of the components of this bundle cannot access their source document. A default specification cannot be created until all source documents are opened.
Delete section "^0" and all the objects on it?
There must be at least one section. You cannot delete the last.
Information for this item cannot be shown because its code "^0", is no longer in its source document, "^1".
The source document "^0", for object "^1" is closed. Do you wish to open it to complete this action?
The source document "^0", for object "^1" has been moved or renamed. Do you wish to locate it to complete this action?
Choose a new source document for object "^1" to replace "^0"
A maximum of ^0 component icons can be shown in a bundle's display icon.
Un-mark one of the other marked icons to choose this icon.
Type a unique code for the new bundle.
The bundle code "^0" already exists in this catalogue and cannot be used twice. Choose another code.
Some of the objects to be bundled have closed source files.
To automatically open these files, use the menu item "^0".
Do you wish to continue and use empty values?
All source documents were checked and are open or exist on the disk.
Some source documents have been moved or renamed. Choose the "^0" menu item to locate these files.
An error occured while preparing a section picture.
Error: ^0 ^1
Do you wish to continue without this picture?
Catalogue/Price List
Do you wish to replace the current Specifications and Sale reminders with defaults?
This is a miscellaneous entry.
It has no source document.
This bundle has no own sales tax and can't use sales tax from it products.
Please set a tax value for this bundle before saving.